Thursday, April 23, 2020

Politicians care about government workers not you

With millions of Americans out of work due to China's lies state Governors are demanding more of your tax dollars to make sure that no government workers lose their jobs.

This is not surprising given how Democrats told us that partially shutting down the government for a few weeks was intolerable but now they're saying that if people can go back to work they shouldn't.

Governor Cuomo said that people who are out of work should get jobs in "essential" sectors. Oddly all government employees are considered essential.

What this is is a way for Governors who have financially mismanaged their states to get you to foot the bill for fixing their mess.

Democrat governors of fiscally irresponsible states like California and Illinois were furious that the tax laws were changed so that the rich could only deduct $10,000 of state taxes.  With the old system taxpayers in Texas were subsidizing the profligate spending of Democrats in Illinois and California.

Oh and by the way don't buy the lie that California is in good fiscal shape. Not only are the state's revenues highly dependent on a few thousand uber rich people it turns out that the state is between $200 to $800 billion short on funding its pension plans.

Of course the governors are saying that without half a trillion of your dollars they may have to cut essential services.

What they're doing is blackmailing you. They'll stop essential services, but not unessential ones, if you don't give them more money.

For example one time the local libraries lost a bond measure. They responded by drastically cutting hours but they didn't fire any employees.  Basically government is an extortion racket in cases like this.  Unlike private sector workers who have little job security and none if their company is having financial problems government workers never get fired no matter how incompetent they are or how unessential their jobs are.

But since government workers always come out to support politicians, usually Democrats, those politicians make sure that they get as much of your money as they want.

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