Thursday, April 16, 2020

Joe Biden thinks Americans who don't support him are racists

During a video fundraiser Biden was asked if he was going to reach out to Trump's base; hard working Americans.

In his response Biden said the following:

“There are people who support the president because they like the fact that he is engaged in political division,” Biden told the donors. “They really support the notion that, you know, all Mexicans are rapists and all Muslims are bad and … dividing this nation based on ethnicity, race.”

This is revealing just like Hillary saying that a large fraction of Trump supporters were deplorables.

Democrat politicians are elitists who look down on most Americans.

Democrats don't want to represent us they want to rule over us.  They want to control every aspect of our lives from what our religions beliefs are to what sort of straws we can use.

What's truly bizarre is that it's Democrats like Biden who are pushing the whole racial identity based process of division on America. Democrats pit whites against blacks, blacks against asians etc all in order to gain more power.

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