Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Big Lie: White Male Effect edition

Here's an example of out and out racism by the Huffinton Post:

Covid-19 has found an ally in its pursuit of infecting as many people as possible in the shortest space of time — the older white man. . .

This White Male Effect will also almost certainly have played a part in how slowly the UK and the US responded to the emerging pandemic. Both the Johnson and Trump administrations have also turned to older white male experts for how to manage this crisis. . .

This White Male Effect is caused primarily by the education system and society as a whole, which encourages white men to believe in their own superiority.

Pause for a moment what the author of this hate piece would say if we replaced "White Male Effect" with "Gay Male Effect" or "Black Male Effect".

He'd undoubtedly scream racism and homophobia. Yet he thinks it's fine to condemn white men for the coverup perpetuated by Asian socialists in China.

Clearly this guy doesn't know many white males.  They don't say they're great because they're white or because they're men. They are competitive sure but they boast about what they've done not about their race.  The folks who do that tend to be poorly educated losers; you know KKK Democrats.

Further anyone who has listened to society for the last 50+ years knows that white men are the cause of all of societies problems.

The author is clearly just expressing his own hatred of white men.

I actually have an example that proves he's wrong.

When I was in industry were were all mandated to take yearly diversity courses.  One year it was led by this nice Black woman.  All of us in the class were white men with degrees in engineering or physics.

At one point she asked us to rate races based on how good workers they were.  

She was shocked when we all rated Asians as better workers than whites due to their dedication and industriousness.

Clearly that batch of white men didn't believe that they were better because of their race.

But as with pretty much everything from the left these days the idea that white men think they're better than other men is a huge lie.

What's really bizarre is that the author's anti white racism leads him to say that we should ignore experts just because of their race.  It's as though a conservative had said that we shouldn't make Collin Powell secretary of State because he's Black or that we shouldn't listen to Dr. Birx because she's a woman.

The bottom line is that this Big Lie reveals that the really racist people in America are leftists and Democrats.  That makes sense given these actions by leftists:
  • They ignore the shooting of thousands of Blacks each year in Democrat run cities
  • They say that allowing Black inner city kids school choice is "racist"
  • They say that it's fine that Black women are 3 times as likely to abort their children than white women
  • They are all for lots of illegal immigration which drives down black wages
  • They demonize any Black who doesn't share the political ideology of the rich white folk who run the DNC
Often when you read a leftists talking about white racism what you're really hearing is them projecting their racism onto people they don't like.  They may hate whites or they may hate blacks but they are fully comfortable with acting as though the primary characteristic of individuals is the color of their skin.

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr got it right when he said that we should judge people based on the content of their character not the color of their skin.  There are good and bad people of every race and the ratio between good and bad is the same for all races; though it does vary depending on cultures.

What is most amazing about this Big Lie is that the two most supported Democrat candidates for President were old white men.  By the reasoning of this author neither Bernie nor Biden should hold the reigns of power.

Yet odds are the author will end up voting for Biden.

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