Monday, April 20, 2020

Joe Biden is blaming Trump for taking a harder stand against COVID19 than Biden wanted him to

So Joe Biden was going around the country creating crowds ideal for spreading the China virus back when Joe is saying Trump wasn't responding correctly to the virus.

That means one of two things:
  • Either Biden knew he was helping infect Americans
  • Biden at the time didn't think coronavirus was an issue
Now while it's clear that Biden is a despicable person who puts power ahead of everything else--if not why has he dropped his long standing opposition to taxpayer funding of abortion-- it's unlikely that he was intentionally holding rallies that he believed would kill people.

Hence the logical conclusion is that Joe Biden is attacking Trump for taking measures to protect Americans that Biden didn't approve of.

But this is the Democrat line. After downplaying the China virus until the death tolls started rising they're now acting as though they warned Trump and Trump didn't listen.

Come November remember this; if Biden, Schumer, Schiff, and Pelosi had been in charge travel to China wouldn't have been restricted and many more Americans would have gotten sick.

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