Friday, April 10, 2020

Obama left us unprepared for coronavirus so Biden blames Trump

Diseases and natural disasters depleted the US's stockpile of emergency equipment, like N95 masks, under Obama and not only didn't he try and replace them he asked for cuts, of more than 10%, in the funding for the stockpile.

In the 2011 budget for example Obama requested $523M for the stockpile which was a reduction of $72M or 12%.  Now all but about $4M of that would be made up by money transferred from another account that dealt with H1N1 but the point is that Obama was ok with cutting funding for the stockpile when he wanted to increase funding for all sorts of left wing programs.

But of course that's just the tip of the iceberg.  Obama cut the stockpile by $47M in 2013, $38M in 2014, and several million dollars in 2015.

Now this wouldn't be big news except for the fact that Joe Biden, who was VP when Obama didn't replenish the national stockpile, is blaming Trump for the shortages.

Biden is trying to blame Republicans by saying that since Republicans were trying to force the government to stop spending money we don't have it's their fault.  The reality however is that Obama intentionally prioritized other spending over the national stockpile when deciding who got what.

Of course Democrats are trying to spin this as being the Republicans fault when in fact it's Obama's fault for deciding that other priorities were more important than the stockpile.

Perhaps you recall a month or so ago when the #FakeNews media and the Dems were all condemning Trump for allegedly cutting the CDC budget even though that never happened?  But now we see real cutting and real lack of planning by Obama and the left is doing what they always do; blaming Trump for their failures.

Democrats always do this because they know that the #FakeNews media will tell any lie to protect Democrats from the consequences of their actions.

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