Saturday, April 11, 2020

Coronavirus shows us who Democrat politicians care about: Themselves

Back when the government has been shut down Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer were howling about how horrible that was and how it couldn't continue for even a week or two.

This despite the fact that shutting down the government didn't keep government workers from being paid or that few government workers were even furloughed.

Now the whole country is shut down and millions of Americans are out of work and those same Democrat politicians are telling us that it's no big deal.

That's because Democrat politicians are fascists at heart who view themselves, and their servants in the Deep State, as our rulers not our representatives.

Democrat politicians are like most royals who view themselves and their concerns as far more important than whatever is going on in the life of the serfs; that's you and me.

Democrats have been wishing for a recession for at least a year in order to get rid of Trump. They view your economic suffering as a perfectly fine price to pay for achieving their objective of having more power.

Most Americans view government as a necessary evil.  Most Americans would be better off with a tiny Federal government.

But because Americans are good people we agree that we need a safety net to ensure that no one starves and no one freezes to death in the Winter.

However Democrats have turned what should be help for those who are truly in need into programs whose objective is to let people who could work but who can't have a nice lifestyle at your expense.

When Maine added work requirements for food stamps for single, able bodied, childless, adults 80% of them dropped out of the program.  Clearly they didn't need your help.  But that doesn't phase Democrats one bit.

Democrats are the ones who banned disposable shopping bags even though at least one study showed that that would result in some deaths.  Now we're seeing that it was a bad idea in general.

But Democrats said we have to stop plastic pollution.  Oddly Democrats don't attack China which puts 33 times more plastic in the oceans than America does.

Probably because Democrat politicians envy the way the tyrants in Beijing rule China.  That's not just speculation. Obama said 

Mr. Obama has told people that it would be so much easier to be the president of China. As one official put it, “No one is scrutinizing Hu Jintao’s words in Tahrir Square.”

In the end what this crisis is showing us is that Democrats are acutely aware of suffering by their own while also being quite willing for you to suffer if it furthers their agenda.


Unknown said...

Bingo. Right on target, as always Mr. Trinko. God bless you and keep up the good work!

Anne C. said...

It's okay to drive through McDonald's, but it's not okay to receive Holy Communion ... ��

Anne C. said...

"? ?" = Angry emoji