Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The left hates homeschooling because they want to hijack your kids

Because leftists are generally more selfish than conservatives they tend to have fewer kids.

Instead they spend their money on themselves which means that conservatives pay for the next generation.  While leftists like those at Harvard are eager to take our children and indoctrinate them into leftist lies they're unwilling to spend the over $200K it takes to raise a child to age 17 themselves.

That's why Harvard is holding a conference on the evils of home schooling.  By avoiding the indoctrination mills that the left has set up in public schools--which condemn religion and endorse hedonism--home schooled kids escape the clutches of the left.

The left has to lie repeatedly about home schooling in order to cover their real motive of indoctrination.

For example a leftist Harvard Professor has written:

“homeschooling violates children’s right to a meaningful education and their right to be protected from potential child abuse,” and that parents have “authoritarian control over their children.”

Which is clearly absurd. Essentially it's saying that while parents don't have a right to decide how their children are educated rich Harvard Professors have the right to decide how other people's children are educated.  A quick search provided no evidence of that professor having any children of her own which explains her desire to hijack your kids for her ends.

It turns out that homeschooled kids do better academically than kids in public school.

Sure there are some cases where children are abused but oddly the fact that hundreds of public school teachers in Pennsylvania alone are accused of child molestation each year hasn't caused Harvard to demand the public schools be closed.

Of course the most amazingly ironic facts is that in an illustration for the article the word  "arithmetic" was misspelled.

Just as Stalin and Hitler worked hard to brainwash the youth in their countries rich white leftists in America are working hard to steal your children and convert them into mind numbed leftist robots.

It's no accident that the left calls allowing inner city Black kids to pick what school they go to racist. After all a educated Black is much less likely to buy into Democrat lies than a poorly educated Black is.

The truth is that the left is selfish but knows it needs the masses to support their totalitarian agenda.  Hence they're trying to brainwash your children.

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