Monday, April 20, 2020

A Florida #FakeNews media "reporter" calls for the deaths of Republicans from the China virus

Apparently Fabiola Santiago, a columnist for the Miami Herald, has closed her twitter account so that we can't see just what a monster she is.

But I saw the tweet before it was pulled; he did say that reopening the Florida beaches could result in Republicans dying and that that was good.

This is why you can't trust anything that you hear from the #FakeNews media.

Will she be fired? Of course not.

But can you imagine if Trump said that it would be good if Democrats, poor people, or Blacks were killed by the virus?  He'd never say anything like that because unlike Democrats he doesn't hate we the people but if he did there would be immediate calls for impeachment.

Yet we can be pretty sure that Fabiola will just continue to espouse her hate with the approval of the Miami Herald.

Given the clearly abysmal judgement of the Miami Herald we can't trust anything they say.

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