Friday, April 17, 2020

Trump plots a path to normalcy

Trump announced a framework to enable localities to emerge from the shelter in place regime.

The rules were approved by medical experts and use something that is anathema to Democrats; common sense.

With it being clear that to people younger than 50, or even 60, who have no underlying health condition the China virus is no more lethal than the flu.  Hence they don't need to shelter in place as long as people who are at a higher risk level.

Coincidently the vast majority of people who are doing jobs that can't be done at home are in that age group. More importantly if those people can go out and about the vast majority of American businesses can reopen. From restaurants to shopping malls America will be able to get back to work.

And as everyone who isn't a left wing loon knew Trump wasn't serious when he said he could force states to reopen. The plan leaves the decisions to each state so that governors can tailor what they do when based on their specific situations.

Clearly NYC needs a different response than South Dakota for example.

The three steps minimize the risk of death but the reality is that like the flu no matter what we do people will die from the China virus.

Of course Democrats are already complaining and blaming Trump for every death caused by a pandemic that started in China.

Don't let Democrats, whose policies would have led to far more deaths, get away with that Big Lie.

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