Saturday, April 25, 2020

CNN provides evidence that Biden did sexually assault Tara Reade

It's not a smoking gun but an old Larry King Live show provides evidence that corroborates Tara Reade's claim that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her.

Reade said that she'd told her mother about the incident and that her mother, a staunch feminist, called up Larry King's show to ask about what her daughter could do.

Well that call has turned up.  CNN apparently either didn't bother to look for it or if they did they didn't bother to report on it but the Media Research Center did.

While the call was anonymous it came from where Reade's mother lived at the time, it described an aid to a Senator having to resign due to the Senators actions, it said that the victim didn't want to hurt the Senator, and it happened at the time that Reade has said that she told her mother.

The call doesn't mention sexual assault but we need to remember that until recently Reade hadn't wanted to share that because she put Joe Biden's work for leftist causes ahead of justice.

She told people that she didn't go to the police out of respect for Biden.

One more example of how the #MeToo movement is bogus; leftist women prioritize Democrats getting power over reporting crimes.

There's no way that Reade could have set this call up since it occurred long before she made any charges against Biden.

What's interesting is how the #FakeNews media is treating her claim compared to how they treated the claims against Justice Kavanaugh.

Only one of the women who accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct was even remotely credible but even her story lacked any details and was refuted by one of her lifelong friends who was allegedly present at the attack.

Yet the media, including CNN, went all in declaring that she must be believed.

Now that we have a woman accusing Joe Biden though all we hear is about how Democrats are "grappling" with the problem.

"Grappling" is #FakeNews media speak for trying to figure out how to hide the whole thing so that Joe can get away with sexually assaulting a subordinate.

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