Thursday, April 30, 2020

Not a bioweapon but is the China flu due to communist carelessness?

In communist societies the environment and safety always rank last; what matters is ensuring that the unelected tyrants who run the country look good.

That's why Chernobyl was in the Soviet Union; they didn't bother spending money on safety because that didn't help the rulers look good.

That's why the air in Beijing is literally toxic; the rulers can avoid it.

Years ago the State Department warned that the Chinese weren't really doing a good job at enforcing biological containment protocols at a Chinese lab near the Wuhan market where the China virus allegedly started.

That may in fact be why the US sent money to that lab; to help ensure that they followed protocols and didn't start a pandemic.

Ever since the outbreak started people have wondered about what the chances were that of all the wet markets in Wuhan province, which has a population of 58.5 million, the wet market where the China virus started just happened to be within a few miles of a lab whose biocontainment protocols were substandard?

Wuhan province covers 3279 sq mi and it must have many wet markets to support that population.  Hence it's not highly likely that if the virus started from a random encounter in a wet market between infected animals and people that it would have been in the wet market near the lab.

The good news is that there is no indication that the virus was deliberately modified to make it a bioweapon.

Given that we know the Chinese Communist government has lied about the virus from the first and even attempted to cover up its existence until the death toll got too high, because an viral outbreak makes the tyrants look bad, so we have every reason to believe that they will lie about where the virus really came from.

The US intelligence community has now on the record states that they are investigating if in fact the China virus was due to an accidental release at the poorly managed viral research lab.

The thing to remember is that the Communists are socialists.  And this sort of environmental depredation is the natural consequence of a government that doesn't have to answer to the people.

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