Sunday, April 19, 2020

Pray for your enemies: Dr. Bill Kirby edition

Dr. Bill Kirby who was the mayor of Auburn California got into trouble this week for comparing supports of Trump to members of the KKK.

The comparison was obviously wrong since the KKK was founded and populated by Democrats.

Kirby said he'd resign due to the social media backlash to his bigoted statement.

Sadly Dr. Kirby died today in a plan crash.

Though he was our enemy Jesus teaches us to love him.

Today is Divine Mercy Sunday when we're reminded that God's mercy is infinite and that he wants us to be merciful to others.

So please pray for the repose of the soul of Dr. Kirby and for his family, friends, and associates who are now suffering/grieving.

Despite his hatred of us odds are that he was a decent person who improved the lives of his friends and family so they will be going through a very tough time right now.

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