Sunday, October 6, 2019

Why the CIA hates Trump

Most people think that the CIA is full of conservatives who want to battle communism and evil. The reality is that most of the CIA staff are from Ivy League colleges and probably view Trump as a greater evil than Xi Jinping the monstrous tyrant who rules China.

During the Reagan years the CIA had such a positive view of the Soviet Union that Reagan had to bring in a team of outside experts who showed that the CIA's assessment was totally wrong.  Back then the left wing east coasters who populated the CIA felt that absolute tyrant Mikhail Gorbachev was great and that it was Ronald Reagan who was the threat.

That's why it's perfectly understandable that a CIA analyst eagerly spread rumors--assuming they weren't just lying-- about second hand information claiming that Trump had done something wrong.

The CIA tends to have an "enlightened" view of the world where socialist tyrants are viewed more favorably than pro-life Republicans.

Further there is no reason to believe that the CIA isn't full of people who believe that they are better than we the people and that their mission is to rule over us.  After all that's the mindset we've seen in the FBI and other parts of the Federal bureaucracy where people have declared that they have an obligation to "resist", ie to reject the results of the 2016 election.

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