Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Elizabeth Warren wants welfare for illegal immigrants in addition to free health care

Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has just endorsed the radical "A Just Society" plan put forth by Ocasio-Cortez.

That plan calls for welfare for illegal immigrants.  It also says that felons, you know murderers and rapists, can't be denied welfare because of their criminal records.

Democrats have already come out for free medical care for illegals; something a lot of Americans would like.

It's clear that Warren and her fellow would be presidential candidates care about one thing and one thing only; getting power for themselves over we the people.

The plan that Warren has endorsed will tax the middle class--where else will they get the money-- so that hard working Black families won't be able to afford things because their money will go to provide free stuff for illegal immigrants and criminals.

That's who Democrats really care for, illegal immigrants and criminals.  After all its well known that felons are far more likely to vote Democrat than to vote Republican and the same is true of illegal immigrants.

But the Democrats say illegal immigrants can't vote.

Democrats are doing everything in their power to make it easy for illegal immigrants to vote so that effectively the only thing stopping illegal immigrants from voting is their moral compass.  It's not surprising that people who have no problem breaking our immigration laws to get more money are not demonstrating a 100% commitment to follow our voting laws if by breaking them they can get more money.

But we know for a fact that in California illegal immigrants went around convincing Americans who hadn't planned to vote to vote and to vote Democrat.  So even without voting illegal immigrants who provide free labor for the Democrat party help the Democrats get more power.

It's time for us to vote for politicians that put our veterans and poor Americans ahead of illegal immigrants.

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