Sunday, January 5, 2020

Would Democrats punish Iran if Iran assassinated Trump?

Historically Democrats and Republicans united when dealing with foreign threats. We saw that after 9/11 for example.

But today Democrat politicians hate Trump so much it's unclear if they'd be bothered if Trump was assassinated by Iran.

The way the Democrat base, the #FakeNew media, and Democrat politicians have reacted to Trump killing the head of ISIS and now archterrorist mastermind Suleimani it's unclear that they wouldn't blame Trump and excuse Iran if Iran killed Trump. Unlike their response to the execution of bin Laden Democrat fanatics are castigating Trump and declaring that his motives were bad, his actions were unsound, and that there will be horrible consequences.

After all the DNC is blaming Trump for creating tension in the Middle East for retaliating against the Iranian controlled militia who killed an American.  In Democrat fanatics minds killing an American isn't creating tensions but retaliating for that murder is.

We should not forget the assassination porn that the left has embraced including Kathy Griffin's holding a fake severed Trump head.  Or the fact that senior Democrat politicians have called for mobs to chase Republicans out of restaurants and gas stations.  Similarly the tacit acceptance of Antifa violence against people who don't agree with Democrats show us that modern Democrat fanatics, but not the majority of Democrat voters, are showing very disturbing signs of embracing violence to achieve their ends.

Hence while it's clear that the likes of Pelosi and Schumer would mouth words of regret they and the rest of the Democrat fanatics would do nothing in retaliation.

Whether from fear they'd be next, which is why atheists rarely condemn Islam by the way, or simple gratitude to Iran for doing what impeachment couldn't it's very unlikely that Democrat fanatics would do anything in retaliation.

First they'd preach to us that it was really Trump's fault for killing Suleimani; if he'd just let the guy continue to kill Americans Trump would be alive today.

Then they'd talk about how returning to Obama's policy of appeasement since that clearly worked better; in saying that they'd of course ignore the on-going terrorists attacks against Americans during the time Obama's policies were in place.

And in the end they'd create some fake new crisis to distract we the people and Iran would know that America is weak.

There's actually a precedent for this. Nixon ended the US's direct military involvement in the defense of South Vietnam. But that wasn't good enough for the Democrats. No the Democrats who ran Congress at the time cut off all funding for munitions for the South Vietnamese.

Remember South Vietnam was a democracy, an imperfect one but then so is Chicago, while the North was a Communist dictatorship.  Yet while China and Russia poured weapons into North Vietnam the Democrats in Congress deliberately denied South Vietnam the munitions they needed to defend themselves.

Clearly Democrats have a history of taking revenge on those they don't like.

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