Saturday, January 11, 2020

Joe Biden hates coal workers

I've been programing computers since 1972.  I've written books, including a Dummies title, and articles about computer programming. But there's no way in the world I could be a good hard working coal miner.

Does that make we a worse person than a coal miner?  No.

Interestingly the converse is also probably true; few coal workers would be interested in coding not because they're stupid but because the sort of person who enjoys coding isn't, in most cases, the sort of person who can mine coal.

Yet Joe Biden blissfully told the 50,000 coal miners that he's going to eliminate their jobs to make wealthy Democrats and academics happy but that they could learn to code which would make everything ok.

There are a number of problems with this.  How many older coal workers nearing retirement want to pick up an entire new skill set and start out in a new company with no seniority, and no union by the way?

Whose going to pay for those coal miners while they spend years learning how to code?  Apparently Biden, who has trouble figuring out what state he's in, thinks that being a computer professional involves reading a pamphlet or something.  Very few people can pick up programing in even a year well enough to cause someone to hire them.

Even worse Biden's support of open borders and bringing in lots of skilled immigrants, not to mention allowing US companies to outsource their coding requirements to people in India, means that coding is no longer a safe high paying job for Americans.

Clearly Biden cares about the rich woke Democrats not hard working union members.

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