Saturday, January 25, 2020

Adam Schiff lies about impeachment

Of course Democrat has been lying about impeachment since it started when he told us that he had nothing to do with the "whistleblower".  We now have good reason to believe that Schiff and his staff were coordinating with the "whistleblower" from the beginning.

His latest lie was in his closing remarks when he said:

"CBS News reported last night that a Trump confidant said that key senators were warned, ‘Vote against the president and your head will be on a pike.’ I don’t know if that’s true,"

Senate Republicans, even the most liberal ones, were outraged because that simply wasn't true.

But compared to the other lies that Schiff has told, like saying that Sondland said there was a quid pro quo but not mentioning that when asked Sondland said he had no knowledge of a quid pro quo he simply "presumed" there was one, this is relatively mild.

On the other hand we know that when trying to get the votes for impeachment Democrats were told that if they didn't vote for impeachment they wouldn't get any money from the DNC for their reelection campaigns.

Just one more case of Schiff projecting the dishonest Democrat tactics on Republicans.

One other thing. Have you noticed how everyone in the #FakeNews media and the Democrats are asking if Republicans will be unbiased but not one of that lot ever asks if Democrats will be unbiased?

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