Sunday, January 19, 2020

Bernie Sanders support Iran's seizing 52 American diplomats in 1979

At the time Sanders was a presidential elector for the Trotskyite Socialist Workers' Party.

Their Presidential candidate, Andrew Pulley, spoke at a meeting at the University of Vermont chaired by Sanders.

Pulley said:

In his standard stump speech, Pulley condemned “Carter’s war drive against the Iranian people,” and said that the U.S. “was on the brink of war with Iran,” which would be fought “to protect the oil and banking interests of the Rockefellers and other billionaires.” Americans, he predicted, would soon “pay on the battlefields with our very own lives.” Their criticism of the Ayatollah was intended “to get us ready for war.” And, Pulley charged, the media who criticized those of us who were against “American imperialism” were “declared insane.” As for the hostages, Pulley said “we can be sure that many of them are simply spies… or people assigned to protect the spies.”
In May 1981 Sanders effectively endorsed those comments saying "“now anybody who stands up and fights and says things is automatically a terrorist.” apparently implying that folks had correctly determined that anyone who supported Iran's grossly illegal act were in fact supporting terrorism.

What this shows is just how deeply Bernie hates America and loves socialist tyrannies.  He might even hate Iran, because of its religious nature, but if he can use Iran to hurt the US he won't hesitate.

Allowing this man to have any power is a direct repudiation of the Constitution and the basic principles of America; namely that everyone has rights granted to them by God.

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