Monday, January 20, 2020

Time to cancel the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.?

The modern leftists cancel culture says that anyone who isn't perfect should be excised from society.

So long as they're not a leftist or someone leftists like.

Leftists hate the Constitution, because it limits their quest for total power over we the people,  so they have no problem condemning Washington and Jefferson beaus they owned slaves.

Similarly any modern conservative who is less than perfect or even liberals who dare question the totalitarian orthodoxy of the modern left can be declared a non-person and airbrushed out of history as part of the lefts campaign to silence the voices whose arguments it can't refute.

Which leads us to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.  He supported Communists in North Vietnam, which the left likes, but he was also had a history of sexual infidelities, just like Trump.

If the cancel rules were applied consistently then we'd have to assign the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to the ash bin of history and declare that he should be despised.

That would make sense since he was an enemy of the modern left.

The phrase that most Americans remember King saying was that we should judge a man by the content of his character not the color of his skin.

That's anathema to leftists who consistently declare that all that matters are the outward aspects of a person not their actual behavior.

But for now the left is leaving King alone due to the left's absolute lack of principles.

The left is about getting power over us and they know that if they apply their rules to King they will lose Black votes. Hence they won't condemn King.

Just as they didn't condemn Bill Clinton for lying under oath, numerous #MeToo offenses, and for having been accused of rape.  Bill Clinton's loss would be a loss for the left and hence they will support him no matter what.

Fortunately conservatives aren't power mad fascists like the left so we know that pretty much everyone is imperfect. We also know that society needs heroes as examples to all of us as to what it means to be good; which is why God proclaims to us who are saints.

Hence we extoll our heroes for what they've done that is good while simply ignoring their failings.

So for now the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is safe but how long that will last given the left's descent into madness, where they say that Trump voters are racists who shouldn't be allowed to vote, is unknowable.

But this year at least we can celebrate Kings call to ignore how people look and judge them on how they live.

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