Thursday, January 16, 2020

Bernie Sanders isn't a misogynist; but he did say you were

In their desperate attempt to keep Bernie Sanders from getting the Democrat nomination--not because they don't like his plan to make government all powerful but because they don't think he can win--the #FakeNews media have been trying to paint his alleged comment that a woman can't win in 2020 as misogynistic.

To see the problem with that imagine if someone in Nazi Germany in 1935 said that a Jew couldn't win some election and so people said that he was an antisemite. Clearly what the person was saying is that the German voters were antisemites and that they'd never elect a woman.

Similarly Bernie didn't say that a woman shouldn't win in 2020, now that would have been misogynistic, but that he felt that we the people are sufficiently misogynistic that we wouldn't vote for a woman.

This is the norm for Democrat politicians; they always blame their losses on the fact that you are racist, misogynistic, homophobic etc.  To Democrats we the people are the problem not Democrat's policies that hurt Americans.

What's interesting is how CNN has simply assumed that Elizabeth Warren isn't lying even though we now know that she lied for decades about being Native American in order to get high paying jobs.

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