Saturday, January 18, 2020

Why does Planned Parenthood need taxpayer dollars when it's spending $45 million to elect Democrats

We know now why Democrats are so hell bent on sending around a half a billion dollars of your money each year to abortion giant Planned Parenthood; PP is going to spend around $45 million in 2020 to help elect Democrats.

Like much of Federal funding since money is fungible the massive government funding of the countries leading abortion giant allows PP to use voluntary donations to keep Democrats in office and ensure that abortion is legal for any reason at any time including shortly after birth.

That's right. Democrats in the Senate voted against a bill that said that a born alive baby should be given medical care even if the mother wants her newborn healthy daughter to die.

While the vast majority of Americans, something like 80%, don't support the abortion for any reason at any time rule that is currently the law Democrats are 100% behind extreme abortion positions such as:

Late term abortions where the baby can feel pain
Late term abortions of viable babies; ie if delivery was induced the baby could survive
Aborting babies because they might be differently abled; even though tests aren't even close to 100% accurate
Aborting baby girls because the mother wants a boy

Clearly Democrats can't get elected by proclaiming that they're for killing babies not just in the hard cases--rape, incest, threat to the life of the mother-- but for any reason at all.  Given that only 0.3% of abortions are due to protecting a woman's life and less than that are due to rape and incest combined the simple reality is that the vast majority of abortions are simply due to convenience and to men who don't want to be responsible pressuring the mothers of their children into killing their children.

But it'd be hard to be elected in most of America by saying that one supports killing the unborn for any reason Democrats have to lie hard and often.

While the #FakeNews media provides billions in in kind contributions by lying about what Democrats really stand for the Democrats still need every dollar of yours they can get to fool you and your fellow voters.

That's why Democrats are so hell bent on making sure that your hard earned dollars go to PP so that the PP president can be paid over $1M a year and that PP, even though it's donations are going down, can spend millions helping Democrats lie.

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