Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Schiff: Trump is guilty even if we didn't prove it

When the Democrat majority voted to impeach Trump they said that they had all the evidence they needed to show that Trump had broken the law.  That's because the Constitution is clear impeachment requires a crime.

But now they're saying that they need to call witnesses that they didn't choose to call in order to show that Trump's guilty of a non-crime.

Neither of the two acts of impeachment say that Trump committed any sort of crime.  The second article in fact says that Trump should be impeached for asking the Courts to decide what the Constitution says.

Ponder that for a moment. The Democrats are saying that a US citizen who asks the Supreme Court if something Congress is demanding is legal is a crime.

So if the Congress passed a law saying that Japanese Americans should be put in prison camps, as FDR did through an executive order in 1942, Schiff is saying that a Japanese American who asked the Supreme Court to rule if that was legal would be committing a crime.

That is a heinous distortion of the Constitution and a clearly fascist line of thinking; asking a Court if your Constitutional rights are being violated is a crime.

Clearly if defending yourself in Court is a crime then everyone is guilty as soon as they're accused which is what Schiff and Pelosi are pushing. Well anyone who isn't a Democrat that is.

The Democrats are now saying that if the Senate doesn't call witnesses that the House couldn't be bothered to call Trump is guilty.

Clearly for Democrats this is all just a political show designed to influence the 2020 elections.  They don't care about truth which is why they're fine with Schiff lying through his teeth to the Senate.

Keep in mind that the same Democrats who refused to let Trump defend himself, who refused to let Trump's attorney's question witnesses, and who refused to let Trump call witnesses are now saying that the Senate not calling witnesses that the House didn't bother to call is horrible.

Clearly if given power Democrats will use it like their fascist role models and crush anyone they disagree with by ignoring their Constitutional rights.

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