Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Remember Nancy Pelosi admitted that impeachment has nothing to do with Ukraine

When people raised the issue that Democrats seem to have been rushing impeachment, not waiting for the courts to decide if people like Bolton had to testify for example, Nancy Pelosi said that impeachment had been going on for 22 months.

If that's the case and Pelosi wasn't just lying then it's clear that impeachment isn't about aid to the Ukraine or "obstructing Congress".  It's about the audacity of we the people to elect someone who the Democrats don't approve of.

The leftists "fact checkers" say that she was referring to the start of the FBI's bogus investigation into alleged Trump collusion with Russia. But since Mueller showed that that didn't happen and since the articles of impeachment don't refer to that the basic point, Pelosi admitted that impeachment has nothing to do with what is listed in the articles of impeachment, is true.

Once again Democrats demonstrate how hard it is to keep their lies straight.

But in her defense she's in a tough spot.  Clearly she doesn't think there's any need to rush impeachment since she withheld the charges from the Senate for a month but at the same time she has to explain why the House didn't take the time to do a decent job.

Now we know that she and other leading Democrats admit that the House didn't do its job because they're demanding new witnesses be called in the Senate.  Clearly if the House had treated their trial as anything other than a kangaroo court they would have called those witnesses themselves.

But be sure to point out to your friends that the Democrats are lying to you. They didn't impeach Trump because of Ukraine or "obstructing Congress" but because he dared to beat Hillary in an election.

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