Wednesday, January 22, 2020

CNN hires a dishonest "reporter" with ties to Hillary to cover the White House

CNN just hired John Harwood to cover the Trump White House.

That shows just how dishonest CNN is and it proves that they are nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Democrat party.


Because we know, thanks to the leak of DNC emails, that prior to moderating a Republican primary debate in 2016 Harwood asked Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, what questions he should ask Jeb Bush, the presumptive Republican from runner at the time.

The emails also reveal Harwood giving Podesta advice on how to beat Black Republican Ben Carson.

Sane people don't call folks who collude with one party reporters; they call them propagandists.

Yet CNN is bringing Harwood on to cover Trump. Presumably Harwoods real role is to try and embarrass Trump by asking questions based on lies and providing inside intelligence to help whomever wins the Democrat primaries win in 2020.

Clearly someone should take CNN to court for campaign finance law violations; every minute Harwood is on air is an in kind contribution to the Democrat party by CNN.

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