Monday, January 13, 2020

The strange new silence of the Democrats: protesting Iranian tyranny editon

In Iran the government is killing protesters and the protestors aren't condemning Trump but the fascist Imams who run Iran.

But now that the protests aren't targeting Trump most Democrat politicians are suddenly silent with the exception of Joe Biden and Amy Klobuchar.

The same Democrats who blamed Trump for Iran shooting down a civilian airliner are strangely silent about the Iranian people correctly blaming their theocratic rulers.

Which is in contradiction to a bizarre aspect of leftists dogma.  Leftists in America constantly contend that Christians who use the political process to embed their moral principles in the law are evil monsters who want a theocracy even though leftists do the exact same thing.

No Catholic has ever called for the Pope to run American and no evangelical has called for Ministers to replace Congress yet Democrats declare that people of faith who aren't leftists are essentially antiAmerican fascists who want to overthrow the Constitution.

Yet when confronted with a real theocracy in Iran, a theocracy that imposes all aspects of Islam including executing gays on the people, Democrats become silent.

Perhaps its admiration.  Democrats want to rule over us as the Imams of Iran rule over the people of Iran. Democrats clearly don't want to represent us.  After all almost the entire Democrat social agenda--going easy on criminals, legalizing abortion, mandating gay marriage, etc--has been passed by dishonest judges on the Supreme Court not by our elected representatives.

Democrats rejoice when the Supreme Court imposes laws on we the people that the people we voted for to represent us wouldn't vote for. That's a clear sign that Democrats hate democracy and love power.  If more evidence is needed we can just look at how Democrats have spent three years rejecting the 2016 election because they didn't win.

Interestingly this fondness for the monsters who rule Iran isn't a new thing for Democrats. When Iran was experiencing the Arab Spring Obama said and did nothing to support them.  On the other hand when the people of Egypt rejected the Islamic tyranny of the Muslim Brotherhood Obama did everything he could to support the Islamic radicals.

Obama's entire presidency involved giving things to Iran and trying to protect them from universal condemnation for their support for international terrorism.

It's hardly a smear to point out that the recent Democrat silence on the evils of of the Iranian fascist regime is a strong indication that Democrats view Trump as more of an enemy than Soleimani who murdered hundreds of Americans.

This is just one more indication that all that matters to Democrat politicians is power. If they can use Iran to hurt Trump they will do so no matter what the impact is on Americans.

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