Tuesday, January 14, 2020

New York Times says that Trump was right on Iran

While they don't pitch it that way a recent NYT article shows that Trump's approach to Iran is working and Obama's failed.

The article says that the crippling impact of the sanctions that Trump has imposed on Iran has rendered them unwilling to risk a war with the US.  Which is of course precisely what we want.

Under Obama's appeasement plan Iranian aggression was unchecked but now they're willingness to kill Americans is going way down.

While Democrats are sad about that we the people are happy.

Most Americans agree with Trump; if Iran abandons sponsoring international terrorism and stops killing Americans we'd be glad to work with Iran to make Iran a rich and prosperous country.

Democrats however only care about Iran to the extent that they have to protect Obama's legacy and that they can use Iran to attack Trump. That's why they are generally silent about the Iranian people's protests for freedom.

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