Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Flynn vs McCabe: Who the deep state loves

Suddenly the DOJ is asking for jail time for a true American hero; General Flynn.

Flynn has pled guilty, after the FBI basically bankrupted him and threatened to go after his son, to lying in an ambush interview by the FBI which Flynn was deliberately led to believe was just a friendly meeting about routine issues.

After not wanting jail time for Flynn for a very long time suddenly the DOJ wants Flynn in jail.  Note Flynn's "lie" wasn't about anything criminal; apparently if you deliberately tell an FBI agent the wrong time of day you can go to prison.

The fact that the agents who interviewed Flynn didn't think he lied also doesn't appear to matter is also interesting. After all the difference between a lie and a bad memory is intent.  The agents, who are trained to detect lies, didn't see any so perhaps Flynn "misspoke" or just misremembered.  How is that grounds for jail time for someone with no criminal record?

On the other hand Democrat hero, woke resistance fighter, and corrupt FBI agent Andrew McCabe has apologized for lying to the FBI about his leaking information to the Wall Street Journal.

An apology is as good as a confession yet not only isn't the DOJ asking for prison time for McCabe they haven't even pressed charges against him.

What's the cause of the amazing difference in these two cases?

First Flynn was associated with Trump while McCabe is a good leftist who hates Trump which grants one immunity from pretty much any crime in DC these days; just ask Hillary.

Second Flynn was hated by the Deep State, especially the Intelligence Community(IC), because he wanted to reform the IC in order to let it support our war fighters better.  The IC like any other bureaucracy doesn't like reform.

Third at the time the Feds were squeezing Flynn they thought that they could use him to get Trump; ie he was a caught in the "crossfire hurricane".

One clear lesson is that we need to change the law.  This is America not Stalin's Russia; lying to the FBI about things not related to any sort of criminal activity shouldn't be illegal.  Now such a revision would need some careful wording since lying about things that aren't in themselves criminal, having an affair for example, but which are related or relevant to a criminal action, say killing your mistresses boyfriend, should still be illegal.

But in the case of Flynn what he "lied" about wasn't relevant in any way to any sort of criminal act hence there is no way he should have been indicted much less sentenced to prison.  Unless of course the intent is to make you and I as afraid of the FBI as Germans used to be of the Gestapo.

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