Thursday, January 16, 2020

What have Democrats done for you? Nothing

Since winning the House in 2016 pretty much every Democrat has had a laser like focus on one thing; no not making your life better but rather undoing your vote in 2016.

Their sole focus has been in destroying Trump no matter how much damage it causes the country or how much it hurts you.

Democrats monomaniacal fixation on power is such that they have defended post birth abortion and Soleimani in order to attack Trump.  They will say, do, and ally with anyone they think will help them get power.

They work hard to ensure that it's easy for illegal immigrants to illegally vote--in CA for example illegal immigrants get drivers licenses and they can also register to vote if they're willing to lie about their citizenship to a computer-- while eagerly fighting against any attempts to end voter fraud because they know that illegal immigrants, like felons, vote pretty much straight Democrat.

But during the nearly 2 years they've run the House they've done nothing to make life better for Americans who are honest and work hard.

In fact they've made it clear that if they were running the show they'd raise your taxes, remove your freedoms, and force you to believe in their morality.

They've told us that a $1000 bonus is nothing because it came from Trump's tax cuts showing both that they have no idea how us real people live, remember AOC said she finds it hard to live on a mere $174K a year, and that they don't care.

They want medicare for all because it will give them complete control over your health, and your life.  If you smoke or are too much overweight no medical care for you but if you're suffering from a lethal STD, like AIDS, or you're a man who wants to pretend he's a woman the sky is the limit on what they will have the government spend on you.

The simple reality is that Democrat politicians believe that they are better than us and that they have the right, no the obligation, to run our lives for us.

This is nothing new for Democrat politicians.  One of their excuses for fighting the Civil War to keep slavery legal was that Blacks were too stupid to run their own lives and Blacks needed Democrats to run their lives for them.

All that's changes is that in the eyes of Democrats all of us, not just Blacks, are too stupid to run our own lives.  That's why Democrat politicians push laws to control what sort of straws we use and how much soda we drink.

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