Saturday, January 4, 2020

The DNC loves Iran and hates Trump: Suleimani is still dead edition

Ages ago when men were men and giants walked the earth Democrats loved America more than power and would never think of undercutting a Republican Presidents foreign policy.

But today the Democrats are clear that they're on the side of Iran and terrorism if it will help them attack Trump.  That is that Democrat's first loyalty is to their own power and they don't care if we the people are hurt as a result.

The most resent example is how the DNC responded to Trump's killing of the Iranian general responsible for hundreds of American deaths.

The DNC response starts out with this lie:

The attack came amid tensions that started by the US attack on PMF units that killed 28 Iraqi popular forces. 

That's a lie. The tensions started when the Iraqi terrorist militia that obeys Iran killed an American contractor.

But in the mind of Democrats American's dying doesn't mean anything.

What's truly amazing is that Trump has managed to get the Democrats to defend Iran killing Americans.

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