Monday, January 6, 2020

Elizabeth Warren declares that terrorists who work for governments can't be killed

Apparently the Allies efforts, as well as the efforts by decent Germans, to kill Hitler were morally wrong according to Elizabeth Warren who calls Soleimani, who has the blood of hundreds of Americans on his hands, a "senior foreign military official".

She says that killing that mass murdering monster was wrong because it might lead to a war with Iran.

Oddly she also condemned Trump for not risking a war with our NATO ally Turkey to protect a small fraction of the Kurds in Syria.

Apparently Warren is willing to risk a war in the Middle East with our ally Turkey to protect a few Kurds against a threat that turns out wasn't real but is unwilling to punish Iran for actually killing hundreds of Americans.

The reality is that she didn't care about the Kurds but she knew she could use the Kurds to attack Trump.

She may care about Iran, fascists tend to like each other--FDR was a big fan of Mussolini--, but she clearly doesn't care about the Americans that Iran has killed.

Her duplicity is obvious; in her first tweet she called Soleimani a murderer but the left rose up in protest and so now she's calling him a "senior foreign military official".

All she cares about is getting power over you. The power to force you to cooperate with abortions, to force you to allow men into your daughters bathrooms, to demand that you pay more and more to her so she can spend the money you earn the way she wants.

This is the modern Democrat party. They will side with anyone if they think it will benefit them.

They hate you and honestly believe that they are better than you and that they should be able to run your life.

What's interesting is that's a long standing position held by Democrats. Back when they were fighting the Civil War to keep slavery legal one of their justifications was that Blacks just weren't able to run their own lives; rich white Democrats needed to run Black's lives for them.

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