Saturday, May 4, 2019

The solution to Silicon Valley censorship

While Facebook has thrown Infowars off and will ban people who link to Infowars material Antifa and Hamas--both of which advocate actual violence--are still welcome on FB and Instagram.

It's also unlikely that this Democrat will be banned from FB either:

Note too that FB isn't excising content that is Black identity, Asian identity, or Hispanic identity; only white identity.  Now we can all agree that racists of any color are odious but we should also agree that free speech means free speech for all not just for the people we happen to like.

Some "conservatives" say that since FB is a private company they can censor only conservative voices.  Those are the losers who ensured that even when we held all 3 branches of government we did little to advance the conservative agenda.

While they're technically right what the ignore is that FB and the other social media giants rely on being immune to lawsuits to survive.

They were given that immunity on the assumption that they would be content neutral platforms; just as the phone companies aren't liable for what's said on their phones since they don't control the content.

But now that the Silicon Valley giants are putting the political biases into action they are controlling the content; they've become like newspapers not like the phone company.

By simply recognizing that fact and declaring that like newspapers FB et al can be sued for anything that appears on their sites we could force those companies to choose destruction by a million lawsuits or returning to a content neutral approach.

To understand how serious a threat this is to FB et al note that when a random person who isn't a public figure is lied about in public it's much easier for them to win in court.  The insanely high standard imposed on public figures--one of the first laws created by an out of control Supreme Court--doesn't apply to random people.

For example if someone said that I was a racist who beat my wife on FB I could sue, if FB's current protection was removed, and I'd have a very good chance of winning a lot of money from FB.  Multiply that by the thousands of conservatives who are lied about the nut cases every week and FB would be looking at losing tens of billions of dollars.

Further even if they were willing to suffer those losses the people who own FB stock could sue for mismanagement and probably force the entire FB leadership team out.

We don't need the government to decide what FB et al should and shouldn't censor; all we need to do is to make FB et al responsible if they choose to be publishers not content neutral platforms.

Odds are that in the face of that threat they'll return to only censoring criminal things like child pornography, terrorist recruitment, etc.

But if they don't the huge financial losses they would face would make it easier for new organizations to challenge them and return competition to the marketplace.

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