Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Democrats Grand Conspiracy against Democracy is starting to fall apart

A key part of Comey's explanation for why he went public with his white wash of Hillary's criminal misuse of classified data has always been that he didn't trust Lynch.  In some sense that's odd given that Comey ignored the law to not prosecute Hillary so what could Lynch have done that was worse?

However now in sworn testimony Lynch is contradicting Comey.  She says she never told Comey to call the investigation into Hillary's blatant criminal actions a "matter" rather than an "investigation".

Clearly Lynch has a huge motive to lie and we can be almost certain she lied about her secret meeting with Bill Clinton while Hillary was under investigation.

Also her testimony is odd.


She was being asked if she'd told Comey to refer to the investigation as a matter but her response is about how she wouldn't tell a witness, not an FBI agent, what to say. While her initial "I did not." appears to be clear her immediate follow up seems to indicate that she's talking about something different since Comey wasn't a witness.

Whatever the truth this is the beginning of the inconsistencies in the stories of the various conspirators who worked so hard to stage a coup and nullify the 2016 election.

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