Thursday, May 9, 2019

Buttigieg uses Christianity as a weapon

Democrat presidential candidate Buttigieg, who's primary qualification seems to be that he's gay, said that Jesus wouldn't support Trump.

"I think it’s also important that we stop seeing religion used as a kind of cudgel as if God belonged to a political party. If he did, I can’t imagine it would be the one that sent the current president into the White House."

The Breitbart article linked to above points out that in the first sentence Buttigieg condemns using Christianity as a weapon and then turns around and does precisely that in the second sentence.

Of course Buttigieg's view of Christianity is only lightly correlated with what Jesus taught.

Like most modern leftists who claim to be Christian Buttigieg uses a simple rule to define what Jesus really taught; if modern culture disagrees with what Christians have thought Jesus taught for the last 2000 years then culture is right and Christianity has to change.

Take the active gay lifestyle.  Jesus clearly and unambiguously condemned it while being equally clear that gays are sinners just like us and that He loves them.  That's why people who suffer from same sex attraction but live chaste lives are viewed as heroes by the Catholic Church.

But modern society drenched in the hedonistic belief that sex of any and every type is an absolute good has said that the massively promiscuous health endangering gay lifestyle is good.

Hence Buttigieg rejects what Jesus really taught because he effectively subordinates Jesus to the culture.  Buttigieg's real god is the culture and Jesus is just someone who must conform to what Buttigieg's god wants.

Buttigieg also probably thinks that Jesus supports Buttigieg's views on welfare. Yet in the first century in the Didache--the writings of the apostles-- Christians are told that if a stranger comes to them they should feed and shelter them for 3 days and after that the stranger must work for his keep--assuming they're healthy.  That was necessary because like bums today bums back then were exploiting the generosity of Christians.

Given that around 80% of the single, childless, able bodied adults who were receiving food stamps dropped out of the program in the state of Maine when a work/study requirement was imposed it's clear that the massive welfare state that Buttigieg supports has a lot of people who aren't either incapable of supporting themselves or who just need a temporary hand.

It's clear that a lot of people on welfare are actually people who could work but who just don't want to. That doesn't bother people like Buttigieg because those people vote Democrat.

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