Monday, May 20, 2019

Jim Carrey shows how abortion kills a person

Jim Carrey, whose only skills are his ability to memorize lines and pretend to be someone else, has recently shown that every aborted baby is a person.

By showing a grown woman, isn't calling for killing a woman a sign of misogyny anymore?, being aborted Carrey is demonstrating the obvious truth that the pro-abortion crowd is always trying to hide; we all were unborn at one point in our lives and if the unborn aren't killed they become key players in society.

Democrats have often called for abortion because the aborted babies will become criminals or welfare recipients if they're allowed to live.  Interestingly those calls are generally about Black babies which both evidence of the intrinsic racism of most modern Democrat politicians and an explanation of why those Democrats aren't bothered by the fact that Black women are 3 times as likely to abort as white women.

To help your leftist friends understand just what Carrey is saying ask them what they'd think if someone had suggested that the world would have been better off if Obama had been aborted?

The Rev. Jesse Jackson has said that if abortion had been legal his mother would have probably aborted him.  While conservatives disagree with Jackson's positions on most issues not one conservative bemoaned the fact that Jackson wasn't killed before he was born. Yet here we see Carrey calling for the pre-birth execution of a woman just because she believes that we shouldn't kill people before they're born.

Sadly in America today more and more Democrat leaders are embracing the idea that physically assaulting and even fantasizing about killing people they don't agree with is ok before and after birth.

Not only are Democrat leaders either silent or only mildly disapproving of Antifa's violence they openly fantasize about murdering Trump. Can you imagine the outcry, from both left and right, if someone had made a play about assassinating Obama or an actress had posed for a picture while holding what looked like Obama's severed head?

Yet Democrat leaders were muted in their condemnations of those who call for the killing of people who oppose the Democrat agenda.

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