Saturday, May 25, 2019

Defining God as yourself

Leftists in America today have a predilection for creating a Jesus who is nothing more than a version of themselves.

If we truly believe that Jesus is God then common sense tells us that we should do what He said we should do.

On the other hand if we don't believe He's God then we are comfortable changing what He taught to conform to what we want.

We see this when Hillary Clinton stated that religions will have to change their teachings to conform to the beliefs of the left wing culture and when various Democrats like Kirsten Gillibrand declares that Christ supported abortion.

This is an outgrowth the the Reformation which effectively declared each individual is master of the Bible; authorized to personally decide what Jesus was really saying. But it goes further in that even when the Bible is clear it says that if what He said isn't what we want to hear we can change it to something that makes more "sense".

This is just another Democrat Big Lie; they clearly reject what every Christian for the last 2000 years has believed but pretend to be following Jesus.

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