Saturday, May 11, 2019

US ranked 56th in the world in mass shootings

But wait you say the #FakeNews media has been touting a study done by criminologist Adam Lankford.

According to him from 1966 to 2012 there were 90 mass shootings in the US and 202 in the rest of the world.

Let that sink in for a minute; according to this criminologist in a 47 year period there were only 202 mass shootings in countries like South Africa, Namibia, Somalia, and all the other barely civilized countries as well as those were crime is rampant.

That doesn't seem to be likely. It turns out other people have looked at this, they had to start fresh since Lankford wouldn't share his list or even what languages he search under, and they found that in the period 1998 to 2012 there were 1,423 mass shootings outside the US.  Seven times more attacks in 1/3 the time.

Given the chaos we've seen overseas in the last 50 years that number makes a lot more sense.  In fact we may never know the real number over the 47 years because it's simply impossible to find that sort of information for many parts of the world in the pre-internet era even if one could speak all the necessary languages.  That's why the new study restricted itself to those 15 years where there would be a reasonable chance of getting the non-US number right.

With this new data the US percentage of mass shootings falls from 31% to 1.43%, far below the 4.6% of the worlds population that resides in the US.

Remember that everything the left says about gun control is a lie.

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