Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Trump, tax returns, and Democrats odd view of "privacy"

Democrats tell us that the Constitution gives us a "right to privacy" even though the document never actually says that--perhaps it's hidden near to the "right to a good lifestyle even if one can work but one chooses not to"

They declare that that right to privacy allows women to kill their unborn daughters.

They support our right to privacy by constantly ensuring that the information that criminals would like to hide from the law is protected from disclosure except under the most rigorous constraints.

Yet for some reason they believe that all of Donald Trump's private information should be revealed to them.

The same folks who said it was fine for Obama to conceal his birth certificate and his college transcripts are saying that every bit of Trump's private financial data should be made available not to a supposedly neutral prosecutor but to highly partisan Democrat politicians.

Can you imagine if the Republicans in Congress had demanded that every bank that ever did business with Obama turn over his records to them?  The Democrats would have been screaming witch-hunt for years.

Yet those same Democrats are demanding that same data from Trump.  They have absolutely no evidence of any sort of crime that might have been committed.

Rather they're pushing a completely illegal deep dive into Trump's data for purely partisan reasons.

To Democrats only Democrats have privacy; oh and mothers who want to kill their unborn daughters because they want a son.  Republicans and anyone the Democrats don't like have no right to privacy according to Democrats.

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