Saturday, May 11, 2019

Pretty much everything the #FakeNews media says about Trump is a lie: Golf edition

The latest attack on Trump is that when playing golf at his course against the club champion he stole the champion's son's golf ball.

Supposedly Trump's ball went into the water and he played the champion's son's ball.

There are a few problems with this story. According to the story the child is 11 years old. But it turns out that the club champions's youngest son was 24 years old at the time.

The big pull on your heart string's quote from the attack is:

“Daddy, that’s my ball.”

Which might make sense coming from an 11 year old but sure as heck doesn't make sense coming from a 24 year old--unless of course he's special needs but there is no evidence of that.

While the "reporter" has amended the age of the child in the story he hasn't explained why someone who probably is working and possibly supporting a family would say "Daddy, that's my ball".

The club champion isn't talking but what's really interesting is how the media covered up Obama's smoking but wants to blare out any potential imperfection of Trump's.

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