Saturday, May 25, 2019

Democrats flee the truth

President Trump issued an order that information related to the Democrats attempted coup be declassified.

Naturally Democrats are saying that revealing the truth of what the US Intelligence Community(IC) did to aid in the coup is "weaponizing" the IC.

The obvious question is how can revealing what the IC did, in terms of spying for the Democrat party, be weaponizing it?  Trump isn't asking the IC to do anything.  Specifically Trump isn't asking the IC to even things up by spying on the 2020 Democrats campaigns.

All Trump is doing is saying that if there is evidence of malfeasance by the IC in support of Democrat political objectives then that evidence shouldn't be hidden behind a wall of classification.

For decades America last Democrats have been complaining about military procurement failures and IC operational failures being hidden behind classification. Democrats have applauded people like Assange when they released highly classified information--though they strenuously objected when he released information that damaged Hillary--but suddenly they want we the people kept in the dark about how they misused the IC.

In the past the #FakeNews media revealed a highly successful antiterrorist program because it impacted Americans who were friends of or working with terrorists.  Yet now the Democrats are saying that we the people don't need to know about the IC straying into fascist territory by aiding and abetting a coup against the 2016 election.

It says a lot about the Democrats that at the same time they're seizing Trump's financial records without a shred of evidence that he's done anything wrong, in violation of the 4th Amendment, they're incensed about the fact that Trump has said that evidence of the IC working against the American people can't be hidden.

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