Sunday, May 19, 2019

Democrat Buttigieg endorses packing the Supreme Court

To date Democrats have consistently imposed their social agenda of hedonism and abortion not through the democratic process but through an imperial judiciary which simply declares that we the people must follow the left's edicts.

Abortion, gay "marriage", coddling criminals, legalizing the worst forms of pornography, etc were all imposed by a dishonest Supreme Court. In the case of gay "marriage" the Court overturned the votes of 55,000,000 Americans and in the case of abortion the Court overturned the laws of all 50 states.

Without the imperial edicts on these issues from the Court American society would be a much better place today.

The Trump presidency has created an existential problem for Democrats in that if Trump ensures that the majority of Supreme Court justices are honest, ie they won't create new laws while pretending to be interpreting the Constitution, then not only won't the left be be able to impose new rules on we the people there's a chance that the old dishonest imperial edicts could be revoked.

The Democrats response,  espoused by Pete Buttigieg--my only strength is that I'm gay-- is that if they win the Presidency and the Senate they'll simply add more dishonest judges to the Court in order to ensure that they can continue to rule as kings rather than represent the will of the people.

FDR proposed this and he managed to cow the court so much that they declared that his unconstitutional New Deal policies--which didn't help the US recover from the Great Depression, that took WWII--were in fact constitutional paving the way for the massive expansion of the Federal government and the major reduction in the rights and freedoms of we the people.

But it's easy to see how this fascist trick will eventually play out.

The Democrats will add 5 judges but then if the Republicans win they'll add 10 judges, and then the Democrats win and they add another 20 judges.

Before too long any authority the Supreme Court has will be rendered moot.

On the whole that might be a good thing in that most Americans, due to the constant lying by the #FakeNews media, actually think that the Supreme Court hasn't become a monstrous abomination which completely circumvents the Constitution.

In any case Buttigieg's support shows that he is nothing more than a fascist tyrant wanna be who endorses the idea that a few unelected mostly white rich lawyers can impose whatever the rich elite leftists happen to think is right this week on we the people.

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