Thursday, May 16, 2019

US birth rate is low because the Left portrays babies as a burden

Ever since the invention of the birth control pill the left wing culture in America has been howling out the message that children are a burden and they stand between women and happiness.

Having children is a very selfless thing; good parents will sacrifice anything for their children.  But the left is constantly preaching the gospel of selfishness which directly contradicts the idea that one becomes truly happy by giving not by taking.

Women with large families are often asked why they chose to "burden" themselves rather than being congratulated.  In entertainment children are portrayed as being all downside with the upsides of kids being completely ignored.

Have you noticed all the movies about children literally being demons or psychopathic monsters?  That would have been unthinkable in the 1950s when American society still recognized that babies are a blessing.

Women who choose to be housewives and raise the next generation are portrayed as losers compared to women who go forth and work at some random job.

Similarly women who want stable long term relationships, ie marriage, over random casual sex are portrayed as rigid and puritan rather than sane and responsible.

To the left, the mantra of which is hedonism, children make no sense.  The government will take care of them when they're old and children cost a lot of money while being a burden--you can't put them in a kennel when you go on vacation for example--so they preach the selfishness of being intentionally childless; leaving conservatives to pay the huge price of raising the children who will eventually pay the Social Security taxes to support the childless leftists in their retirement.

Further the left is constantly attacking marriage because the misogynistic men who run the left want to use women not love them and hence view marriage as a horrible thing that could restrict their promiscuity.

But women are naturally hesitant to commit to babies when their "significant other" could just pick up and go whenever he feels like it.  Not to mention that men who have been conditioned by the culture to view women as sex objects aren't that likely to want children.

The left's hedonistic ideology of casual sex is worthy of a Darwin Award--and "award" given to people who "improve" the human gene pool by dying due to their own stupidity--because by not having babies and focusing on their short term pleasure they're ensuring that there will be fewer of them in the next generation.

They try to overcome that ensuring that the public schools are massive indoctrination centers where all the lies of the left are drummed into students but parents still have a massive impact on their children which even the public schools have trouble supplanting.

The left looks to replace all the babies they're not having by importing lots of illegals. They don't care that if those illegals don't assimilate the country they grow old in might not in fact care much about them.

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