Saturday, May 4, 2019

Democrat; the party of rich old white men

The two leading contenders in the Democrat presidential primaries are Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders; both of whom are rich old white men.

Runners up are also white men Beto--I'm pretending I'm Hispanic even though I'm 100% Irish--O'Rourke and Buttigieg--I like men which means I'm qualified to be President.

But this is no surprise.  Just look at how Democrats treat Blacks who don't agree with the old rich white men who run the party:

1) The language used by Democrats to attack Justice Clarence Thomas would result in 24/7 #FakeNews media calls for impeachment if it were used by Republicans against any Black leftist.

2) The Rev. Jesse Jackson was almost aborted by his mother--he says he would have probably been aborted if abortion had been legal at the time--and was a staunch supporter of the pro-life position because he thought abortion was genocide against Black people.  Democrats demanded that he change is position to pro-abortion to run for president as a Democrat.

3) Blacks who dare support Trump are viscously attacked and even told that they're not really Black by Democrats; people like Candice Owens and Kanye for example.

4) Democrats ignore the mass shootings of thousands of Blacks in Democrat run cities like Chicago each year.

5) Democrats aren't bothered by the fact that the leading cause for death of Blacks is abortion, that around 80% of Planned Parenthood abortion mills are in Black neighborhoods, that Black women are 3 times as likely to abort as white women--the one outcome disparity Democrats refuse to equate with racism-- or that in places like New York more Black babies are aborted than are born.

One of the biggest of the Big Lies peddled by the #FakeNews media is that while the Democrat party used to be the party that hated Blacks that's all changed.  If we look at how modern Democrats behave however, as listed above, it's clear that the Democrat party is every bit as racist today as it was when it fought a war to keep slavery legal:

1) The founder of the Democrat party was a slave owner and committed atrocities against Native Americans.
2) The Democrats fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal.
3) The Democrats founded the KKK
4) The Democrats passed all the Jim Crow laws that kept Blacks in "separate but equal" facilities
5) The Democrats fought the desegregation of public schools.
6) The Democrats implemented the welfare society knowing that it would destroy Black families
7) The Democrats laud Planned Parenthood which targets minorities for abortion
8) The Democrats ignore the mass shootings of Blacks in Democrat run cities
9) The Democrats say it's racist to allow Black parents the same ability to choose schools that rich people have and the Democrats do nothing to help Black children get a decent education
10) The Democrats condemn any Black person who doesn't support the left wing ideology of the rich white people who run the DNC

Given this it's hardly surprising that the front runners for the Democrat nomination are old white men.

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