Saturday, May 18, 2019

Study shows that leftists professors discriminate against conservative students

A new study finds that controlling for all other factors conservative students get lower grades than leftist students.

It's possible to predict grades, in a general way, based on standardized tests, high school grades, and various other factors.  The researchers compared those predictions with real grades and found that two identical students would get significantly different grades based on their political ideology.

Notwithstanding the GPA advantages held by conservative students in high school, students who support banning racist/sexist speech, and who endorse dissent as critical to the political process (positions typically associated with liberalism) enjoy a relative advantage over their peers. . . The ideology variable is positive, meaning that by the fourth year of college, liberal students tend to have higher grades than conservative peers: ideological self-placement is the only variable in the model changing direction from high school to college. Additionally, students whose fathers align with the Democratic Party tend to have higher fourth year college grades. [Emphasis in original.][H]olding all else constant, the most liberal student would enjoy a 0.16 point advantage over the most conservative student on a 7 point scale. Given our large sample size [of more than 7,000 students], this difference is statistically significant.

While paper lists a number of alternatives to leftist professors deliberately discriminating against students they don't agree with they all boil down to the same result; discrimination.

After all it doesn't really matter to a student if her grades are lower because her professor hates her or because he believes that her ideology is stupid and hence advocating it should get a lower grade; the end result is the same.

This discrimination is to be expected since the modern left views everything through lens of how it helps them achieve more power over we the people.

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