Saturday, May 11, 2019

Democrat projection: Not accepting elections

A new Democrat mantra has become saying that Trump won't accept the results of the 2020 election if he loses.

What's interesting is that for the last two years, and apparently until 2020, the Democrats have been doing everything they can to overturn the 2016 election because they refuse to admit that Trump won.

The entire Russian collusion/obstruction narrative was nothing more than a coup attempt driven by Democrats refusal to admit they lost in 2016.

The Democrats demand that the electoral college be eliminated, without bothering to actually change the Constitution by the way, is based on their desire to ensure that California and New York decide who the president should be driven by their belief that they didn't really lose the 2016 election.

Hillary has been saying that Trump stole the election.

And Democrat Stacey Abrams is saying she won her election even though she got 55,000 fewer votes than her opponent.

The reality is that Democrats are fascists who want to rule over us not represent us.  They will tolerate elections so long as they're guaranteed to win, witness all the things Democrat run California has done to ensure massive voter fraud, but they will not stand for the idea that we the people dare to keep Democrats from running every aspect of our lives.

It's clear that Democrats are projecting their refusal to accept any election in which they don't win onto the Republicans.

But that's not surprising; that's pretty much all they do.

They keep saying how hateful non-Democrats are while chanting that non-Democrats are racists, haters, homophobes, Islamaphobes, and literally Nazis.

In fact you can keep track of all of the failings of the Democrats by simply listening to what they accuse Republicans of.

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