Monday, May 20, 2019

If only Trump was a serial killer or drug dealer

The 4th Amendment of the Constitution states:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Democrats are constantly demanding that rapists, terrorists, thieves, drug dealers, child molesters and serial killers not have their financial information turned over to the government without probable cause.  Republicans agree with that.

No one supports the cops being able to go to a judge and say "we've got zero evidence but we've got a gut feel this guy is a crook" and get a warrant to examine that persons financial data.

Democrats go even further; to them if a clerk mistakenly dates a search warrant the 27th when the judge said to date it the 26th any evidence found in the search on the 26th has to be thrown out; even if it proves that the target of the search warrant murdered a kid.

But when Trump is concerned Democrats, including at least one Obama appointed judge, throw the 4th Amendment out. That judge ruled that even though it's likely that Trump's private financial information will be leaked to the public and even though there is no evidence of Trump having actually done anything criminal the fact that the hyper partisan Democrats have a "gut feel" that Trump is guilty of something is enough for them to access all of Trump's financial data.

Can you imagine if the Republican House had subpoenaed Obama's birth certificate, financial data, or his college transcripts just because?  Everyone would have screamed bloody murder. Because the Republicans actually respects the Constitution though they never did that.

But today Democrats are declaring that if they lose an election the guy who won has no constitutional rights, he's like an unborn baby girl in their minds.

The hypocrisy is amazing. They refuse to extend to the President of the United States the constitutional rights that they fight for for rapists, drug dealers, terrorists, and murderers.

But what should really worry you is the precedent this sets.  If Congress can get all of Trump's private data and leak it to the press just because there's nothing stopping them from doing the same to you.

If you express ideas that they don't like you could be really persecuted.  We saw this with Joe the Plumber who embarrassed Obama and in retaliation Democrats released supposedly confidential information about Joe.

If a Republican President isn't protected by the 4th Amendment then neither are we the people.

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