Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Obama administration scandal free? Great joke!

With Joe Biden looking to be the next Democrat Presidential candidate the #FakeNews media and the Democrats are working overtime to promulgate the obvious lie that the Obama administration was scandal free.

Ignoring times when Obama lied to we the people, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, there are still many huge scandals that the #FakeNews media covered up.  Here's a few:

1) The IRS admitted to deliberately targeting conservative organizations in order to keep them from impacting the 2012 election.

2) The handling of the execution of the US ambassador to Libya in Benghazi and the lies that were told to we the people about it being the result of a spontaneous riot.

3) The Fast & Furious program where the ATF gave around 2000 weapons to Mexican criminals. Those guns killed hundreds of Mexicans and at least one American.

4) The DOJ secretly obtained the call history of reporters and editors of the AP wire service in an unprecedented attack on the media.

5) It's likely that the Obama administration bugged the computer of at least one journalist

6) Obama refused to enforce laws he didn't like such as the Defense of Marriage Act in direct violation of his oath of office

7) Obama violated the Constitution by unilaterally changing ObamaCare. Laws can only be changed by Congress

8) We now know that Obama weaponized the FBI, DOJ, and the US intelligence community--CIA,NSA--to spy on the Republican Presidential campaign. Far worse than anything Nixon did.

The list goes on.

The point is that for 8 years the #FakeNews media actively cooperated with Obama to conceal, minimize, and ignore the many times he broke the law.

Today, because the #FakeNews media hate Trump, we see the same "reporters" breathlessly reporting on scandals that aren't but back then they refused to report on scandals that were.

Joe Biden is thoroughly corrupt and he's going to have to lie through his teeth and count on the #FakeNews media lying for him in order to hide the truth from the American people.

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