Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Fundraising statistics show that Republicans are the party of the people

The RNC is raising a lot more money than the DNC and they're doing so due to many small contributions while the DNC counts on lots of big donations.

Yes it's true the Democrats are the party of the uber rich and the Republicans are the party of the people.

In April the RNC raised $15.9 million of which 75% came in small donations, <$200.  In the same month the DNC raised $6.6 million of which 50% was from big donors; twice the rate as for Republicans.

This isn't surprising. Every aspect of the Democrat agenda is directed towards niche groups, including the very rich, and is designed to either increase the power of Democrats over the people or to buy votes while under Trump the Republican agenda is designed to help hard working Americans no matter how they vote.

The idea that the Republican party is the party of the rich is another big lie promulgated by the Democrats and the #FakeNews media just like the idea that the Democrats, who do nothing to stop the mass shootings of Blacks in Democrat run cities and who deny Blacks a decent education, love Blacks while Republicans, who call for school choice for Blacks and being tougher on criminals, supposedly are racists.

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