Wednesday, May 6, 2020

WHO and China broke the rules and people died

Thanks to the general silence of the #FakeNews media most Americans aren't aware that the China virus isn't the first horribly dangerous virus to originate in China.

2003 SARS: This virus is closely related to the China virus fortunately quick intervention, and the fact that while contagious SARS isn't as contagious as COVID19, a world wide pandemic was avoided.

1997 Bird Flu: While was mostly a threat to chickens, the animal not cowards, it had significant global impacts

1968 Hong Kong Flu: This did create a pandemic killing at least 1,000,000 people

1957 Asian Flu: This too resulted in a pandemic killing at least 1.1 million people

After the SARS scare the international community via the WHO implemented new rules and regulations to stop future such incidents.

One of those rules was that governments were to immediately, within 24 hours, report the existence of new SARS like outbreaks.

But in fact China knew in late December that they had a new virus that was SARS like but they told WHO that it was pneumonia.  By January 2 China knew that the China virus was 87% identical to SARS.  That information wasn't shared with WHO for 10 days violating the new rules.

WHO is also guilty of breaking its own rules thereby helping the pandemic get started.  Under Articles 9 and 10 it's supposed to investigate any unofficial reports from pretty much any source that would suggest that there is a risk of an adverse public health event.

Yet when Taiwan reported to WHO that in fact the coronavirus was spreading via human to human contact it didn't investigate on its own. Rather it simply trusted the Chinese who we now know were lying through their teeth.

These new rules and regulations were well known and were based on problems with China covering up the SARS epidemic.  Fortunately SARS wasn't as contagious as the China virus so the world escaped the worst possible scenario despite China's lies.

If the new rules had been followed, if China had cared more about human life than covering up their own health care problems, we wouldn't all be locked in our houses.  A study showed that if China had reacted aggressively just 3 weeks earlier the number of cases in China would have been reduced by 95%. That in turn would have probably stopped the pandemic in its tracks.

The fact that China allowed millions of people to go to and then leave Wuhan province after it knew about COVID19 is clear proof of the dishonesty of the Chinese government.  Further even after China banned airplane flights from Wuhan to the rest of China it didn't ban flights from Wuhan to the rest of the world.

The inescapable conclusions of all of this are:

  • WHO deliberately broke its own rules to help China
  • China deliberately lied to the world about the nature of the coronavirus
  • China deliberately broke WHO's rules
  • China has some serious social problems given that no other country has such a long track record of producing pandemic level diseases--it's not just that there are a lot of Chinese since India which also has a huge population isn't a constant source of pandemics

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