Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Democrat Andrew Cuomo is apparently responsible for as many as 1700 China virus deaths

While Governor Cuomo is denying any knowledge of his administrations policy of forcing nursing homes to take in patients who were known or suspected of suffering from the China virus his long history of micromanagement and his detailed briefings on New York's response to the Pandemic indicate that that's unlikely.  In any case the buck stops with the Governor.

The policy is clearly insane given that the people most vulnerable to COVID19 are nursing home residents.  So even if Cuomo didn't know he's responsible for putting people into positions of life and death authority who are idiots.

To date approximately 25% of the coronavirus deaths in New York have been nursing home residents.  If that didn't tell the government of New York that forcing people suffering from the China virus into nursing homes was a bad idea it's unclear what would have.

We now know that New York suddenly discovered 1700 new coronavirus deaths, all in nursing homes.

Was that misreporting accidental or was it deliberate?

The bigger question is why are 37% of the China virus deaths in the US in New York which is home to only 6% of all Americans?

We should invoke the "Trump rule" which is defined by the #FakeNews media's actions as being that if anything bad happens while Trump is President, including natural disasters, it's his fault.

Applying that rule to Cuomo, something the #FakeNews media will never do, it's clear that Cuomo is directly responsible for 31% of the COVID19 deaths in America since if he'd done as good a job as the rest of America New York would only have 6%, not 37%, of all coronavirus deaths in America.

But to be fair the "Trump rule" is nothing more than a Big Lie used by the media to help Democrats win in November.  Hence it's not fair to blame Cuomo for the pandemic.

However it is fair to blame him for his administrations failures including:

  • His saying on March 2 that New Yorkers had little to worry about
  • His choosing to use taxpayer money to buy votes rather than ventilators a few years ago
  • His administration forcing people sick with the China virus into nursing homes
  • His failure to stop NYC from reducing the number of subway trains thereby increasing the rate of transmission
  • His failure to shut down the subway in NYC

Trump didn't do everything perfectly but unlike Democrats like Cuomo he took the threat seriously very early and while Joe Biden and WHO were attacking him for limiting travel to China Trump was acting aggressively based on the best knowledge he had at the time.

Trump didn't do more sooner because China lied to the world about the nature of the virus denying that it was transmitted between people.

It's time to have one standard for dealing with how politicians responded to the virus.

This is especially important because whenever Pelosi gets up enough courage to reopen the House her priority is apparently going to be "investigating" Trump not helping we the people. After all she held up relief for us for nearly a week on the first round of aid and then for around 2 weeks on the second.

Democrats don't care about you; they care about power. If making you suffer increases their chance of winning in November they will support it.

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