Monday, May 25, 2020

Just how dangerous is the China virus?

COVID19 has killed 100,000 Americans to date and it will kill more.  That sounds scary right?

But every year 650,000 Americans die of heart disease.  During the same time that coronavirus has been killing 100,000 Americans heart disease killed 200,000.

What people forget is that each and every year about 2,000,000 Americans die. While 100,000 is a lot of people it's only a 5% bump on the total yearly death count.

Similarly every year about 40,000 Americans die from car accidents.  We're going to get a vaccine and cures for the China virus so it won't keep killing 100,000+ Americans a year but cars will keep killing 40,000 Americans a year.

The other thing is just who is at risk from the China virus?  93% of deaths are of people who are 55 years or older, 81% for people who are 65 or older.

For those who are younger than 55 the death rate is 0.002% or one in 45,000.  People under 25, who are being hit by the schools being shut down have a roughly 1 in 1,250,000 chance of dying.

The flu on the other hand, like car accidents, kills people of all ages with and without preexisting conditions.

None of this means that we should just ignore the China virus but it does mean that there is no scientific basis for the Democrats desire to keep the country shutdown until Biden is elected.

We need to protect the at risk populations. Republican Governor DeSantis of Florida did that by ensuring that elderly patients with the China virus weren't put back in nursing homes thereby ensuring that the most vulnerable people were kept safe.

Democrat Governor Cuomo of New York on the other hand ordered nursing homes to take patients with COVID19 thereby putting the most vulnerable among us in harms way.

The only reason to continue to shutdown, as opposed to reasonable social distancing rules, is to take the economy so that Democrats will win in November.

Democrat politicians don't care that as many as 150,000 extra people will die due to suicides and drug overdoses if the shutdown continues for very long.

Democrats want you to suffer and be scared so you'll vote for their big government policies in November.

They want a repeat of FDR's election at the start of the Great Depression. What they don't want you to know is that FDR's New Deal was a disaster. The US stayed in the Depression until the start of WWII. FDR's big government policies didn't restart the economy or get Americans back to work.

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